In order for us to smoothly respond to your inquiry, please include information such as the purpose of use of the room (such as for a meeting or seminar) and how many people you expect to attend the meeting.Entering information into this form does not create a reservation. Please feel free to ask us any questions.
Once you are finished filling in the required items, please click the “Confirm details of inquiry” button only once.This will bring you to the confirmation screen. After you check the details of your inquiry, please click the “Send” button. Before submitting your inquiry, please read “Regarding the Handling of Personal Information”.Also, please note that we will be unable to provide you with any information if you do not fill in the following required items.
E.g.)Accounting department
E.g.) Taro Yamada
E.g.) 03-1234-5678
However, if there are no available rooms at the desired shop you specified above, we can recommend another one of our shops that is nearby. Would you like us to provide you information about nearby shops if there are no available rooms at your desired shop?
* If you would only like to specify the desired area, you may continue without specifying a desired shop.
We accept inquiries and tentative reservations up to one year in advance.